profit n. 1.〔常 pl. 〕赢余,利润,赚头 (opp. loss); 利润率。 2.〔常 pl.〕红利。 3.得益,益处。 gross profit(s) 总利润,毛利。 clear [net] profit 纯利润,净利。 at a profit 获利,赚钱。 in profit 〔英方,澳〕(乳牛)在产乳期。 make a profit on 在…上头赚钱。 make one's profit of 利用,使对自己有利。 reap profits at the expense of others 损人利己。 small profits and quick returns 薄利多销。 to one's profit =with profit 有益。 vt. 有利于,有益于。 What will it profit me 对我有什么好处呢? vi. 得益;获利,赚钱;利用 (by from of) 有用。 You may profit by the experience of others. 你可以吸取别人的经验教训。 I profited by his confusion to make my escape. 我趁他忙乱的时候逃走了。
t-group n. 训练小组〔现代美国的一种所谓精神治疗法,受治疗者在专门训练员的指导下,在小组内不受约束地用言语表达内心感情〕。
Most of the group profit is contributed by the subsidiary in the far east 集团的大部分利润是由远东的子公司缴纳。
I am convinced that the group s initial investment in the " 3d - gold " toruism exhibition hall , including the associated promotion costs , will prove to be a wise investment for the group and will help us broaden our revenue base . in the long term , the increase in contribution from the retailing business line will result in higher group profit margins . 开设金至尊旅游展览厅和扩大集团旗下品牌产品的销售及宣传,虽然使短期的盈利略为减少,但管理层相信此等投资有助集团提升旗下品牌的价值,巩固日后的收益基础。
Although the affiliated company has been a common economic phenomenon , with the command in the affiliated company and the aim that seeking forthe maximal profit of the group , the group profit of the affiliated company , in certain situation , dooms to conflict with the profits of single companies of the group . this situation may lead to the extreme upheaval of the contribution of the right and the profit ih the company , even may be danger to the company ' economic profit 尽管关联公司已成为一个普遍存在的经济现实,但关联公司中控制权的存在及其追求集团利润最大化的目标又决定了关联公司的集团利益在一定情形下必然与其成员公司的利益发生冲突,进而导致公司权力与利益分配的极度震荡,甚至可能危及公司的经济效率。